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Dr. Narasimhan’s CV

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Dr. Narasimhan’s CV

Dr. Narasimhan’s passion for plastic surgery is evident in his impressive credentials, which include:

  • Double board certification: American Board of Plastic Surgery and American Board of Otolaryngology (Head & Neck Surgery)
  • Graduate of the #1 ranked U.S. plastic surgery program (UT Southwestern)
  • Guest faculty at internationally renowned cosmetic surgery meetings, such as the Dallas Cosmetic Symposium
  • Published 20+ peer-reviewed plastic surgery articles in respected journals
  • RealSelf Top Doctor recognition
900 Carillon Parkway Suite 409 St. Petersburg, FL 33716

Education & Training

Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York

Medical Graduate
Case Western University School of Medicine
Cleveland, Ohio

Master of Science in Anatomy
Case Western University School of Medicine
Cleveland, Ohio

Otolaryngology Residency Residency
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan

Plastic Surgery Fellowship
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, Texas

CV Highlights

  • 8 years of post-graduate training and certified by both the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology
  • Graduated from #1 ranked plastic surgery program in the United States, University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas
  • Guest faculty at internationally renowned cosmetic surgery meetings, such as the Dallas Cosmetic Symposium
  • Pioneer in the field, having published over 20 peer-reviewed plastic surgery articles on facelift, rhinoplasty, and breast surgery
  • Has performed thousands of cosmetic surgery procedures of the face, breast, and body
  • Proficient in cutting-edge surgical and nonsurgical techniques for his patients
  • Realself Top Doctor Award recipient
  • Medical licenses in Florida, California, and Texas

Employment and Hospital Affiliations

Private Practice
Sherman, Texas

Narasimhan Plastic Surgery
St. Petersburg, Florida

Licensure and Certification

Medical License, State of Texas

American Board of Otolaryngology

American Board of Plastic Surgery

Choosing a Plastic Surgeon

Deciding to get plastic surgery is an exciting prospect that most people consider for several months, or even years, before moving forward with their plans. The first step — choosing one of the plastic surgeons in St. Petersburg, Clearwater, or Tampa Bay, FL, — is perhaps the most important decision you will make during your personal journey. Finding a specialist who has the experience and training to achieve consistently excellent results begins with knowing what to look for when comparing surgeons.

As one of the Tampa area’s highly experienced plastic surgeons, Dr. Narasimhan looks forward to meeting you and answering any questions you may have about the cosmetic procedure you want. Request a consultation using our online form, or call our St. Petersburg office at  (727) 351-8263.

Dr. Kailash Narasimhan is a plastic surgeon who is uniquely trained in aesthetic surgery of the face, breast, and body. Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology, he has a long and accomplished training record at some of the most highly regarded and internationally recognized institutions. His training at UT Southwestern in Dallas has given him exposure to some of the best plastic surgeons in the world. Learn why Clearwater and St. Petersburg, FL, residents regard him so highly.

To meet with Dr. Narasimhan and get to know him for yourself, request a consultation using our online form, or call our office at  (727) 351-8263

Making an Informed Choice

Most patients aren’t aware that any physician licensed to practice medicine can legally perform cosmetic surgery, even if he or she doesn’t have plastic surgery training. That’s why it’s important to thoroughly research the background and experience of all the doctors you are considering to perform your procedure. Being informed will give you confidence in your choice.

The Importance of Board Certification

Your plastic surgeon should be certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery. It is the only plastic surgery specialty board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), and it requires surgeons to meet rigorous standards to be certified. Dr. Narasimhan is certified by both the plastic surgery and otolaryngology boards

Cosmetic Surgeon vs. Plastic Surgeon

There are surgeons who refer to themselves as “board-certified cosmetic surgeons.” That is not the same as being a board-certified plastic surgeon. A cosmetic surgeon may be a dermatologist, an ear, nose, and throat specialist, or some other type of doctor. Only plastic surgeons have the specialized training gained by completing an approved plastic surgery residency program.

Experience Matters

Completing the advanced training to become a plastic surgeon, including a residency, can take between 6 and 8 years after finishing medical school. Although experience alone doesn’t make someone the best choice, it’s important to know that a surgeon has performed the procedure you want many times during his or her career.

Before-and-After Photos

One of the best ways to evaluate plastic surgeons is to see for yourself what kind of work they have produced. Most plastic surgeons have before-and-after photo galleries of real patients on their websites. It’s also a good idea to ask to see additional examples during your consultation. If a surgeon doesn’t have photos for you to review, that’s a red flag. When viewing photos, it’s a good idea to find patients similar to you, whether you’re considering breast enhancementbody contouring, or facial sculpting surgery.

Patient Testimonials

Many qualified surgeons are pleased to connect you with their past patients if you’d like to learn more about the process of planning and undergoing surgery. This is a good sign that the surgeon has consistently worked well with patients who have gotten beautiful results that they’re proud to talk about. Some patients even agree to share their testimonials on a surgeon’s website.

Trust Your Feelings

Even the most accomplished plastic surgeon may not be the right doctor for you. Plastic surgery is a highly personal choice, and it’s imperative to form a trusting doctor-patient bond from the outset. Honestly communicating your cosmetic goals to the surgeon is important in getting the outcome you want. Some people call it chemistry; others may use the word rapport. Trust your instincts when choosing a plastic surgeon.

Professional Society and Association Memberships

The Aesthetic Society (formerly The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery)

The Rhinoplasty Society

Teaching/Professional Committees

Dallas Rhinoplasty and Cosmetic Surgery Meeting, Clinical Instructor 2016-present

ASAPS Program Committee 5/31/2019-5/31/2021

ASAPS Resident and Fellows Forum Workgroup 5/07/2020-5/07/2021

ASAPS Young Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Committee 5/07/2020-5/07/2021



2016 Rohrich RJ, Narasimhan K. Long-Term Results in Face Lifting: Observational Results and Evolution of Technique. Plast Reconstr Surg. July 2016

2016 Narasimhan K, Ramanadham S, O’Reilly E, Rohrich RJ. Secondary Neck Lift and the Importance of Midline Platysmaplasty: Review of 101 Cases. Plast Reconstr Surg. April 2016

2015 Ramanadham SR, Mapula S, Costa C, Narasimhan K, Coleman JE, Rohrich RJ. Evolution of hypertension management in face lifting in 1089 patients: optimizing safety and outcomes. Plast Reconstr Surg. April 2015

2014 Narasimhan, K. Ramanadham S, and Rohrich. R. Facelifting in the Massive Weight Loss Patient: Modifications of our Technique for this Population. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. February 2014

2013 Narasimhan, K. Cheng, A, Lakhiani, C, Landry, D, and Saint-Cyr M. Orientation of Flap Inset in Immediate Free Autologous Breast Reconstruction: Importance of Combined Preoperative and Intraoperative Patient Analysis. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery-GO. In Press. 2013

2013 Narasimhan, K, Stuzin J, and Rohrich, R. Five Step Necklift—Intergrating Anatomy with Clinical Practice to Optimize Results. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. August 2013.

2013 Unger JG, Roostaeian J, Cheng DH, Geissler P, Lee MR, Narasimhan K, Rohrich RJ. The Open Approach in Secondary Rhinoplasty; Choosing an Incision regardless of Prior Placement. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. May 2013

2013 Hynes S, Narasimhan K, J Arneja. Complicated Infantile Hemangioma of the Lip: Outcomes of Early Vs. Late Resection. In Press. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. March 2013.

2012 Narasimhan, K, Shuering Ryan, and Zuliani G. Use of an Extended Dorsal Shield Graft in Binder’s Syndrome. Case Report and Description of Technique. In Press. ENT Journal. December 2012.

2010 Narasimhan, K. and Jackson, IT. Repair of Split Ear Lobes Using a Modified Z-plasty technique. European Journal of Plastic Surgery. May 2010.

2009 Aneja JS, Narasimhan, K, Bouman D, and P Bridge. “Qualitative & Quantitative Outcomes of Audience Response Systems as an Educational Tool in a Plastic Surgery Residency Program: A Pilot Study.” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. December 2009.

2009 Mao, J, Tomavic S, Narasimhan K, Carron, M and R Mathog. “Cartilage Grafts in Dorsal Nasal Augmentation of Traumatic Saddle Nose Deformity, a Long-Term Follow-Up”. Laryngoscope. November 2009.

2009 Narasimhan, K. Kucuk, O. Lin, HS, Heilbrun, L. Carron, M. and R. Mathog. “Sinonasal Mucosal Melanoma: A Thirteen Year Experience at a Single Institution”. Skull Base. January 2009.

2008 Balakrishnan, C., Narasimhan, K, Gursel, T, Jackson, O, Schaffner, A. Closure of Orocutanous fistula using a pedicled expanded Deltopectoral flap. Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Fall Edition. 2008

2007 Narasimhan, K, Arneja J., and R. Rabbah. Treatment of Congenital Epulis (Granular Cell Tumor) with Excision and Gingivoperiosteoplasty. Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Winter Edition 2007.

2006 Narasimhan, K, and Coticchia, J. Transphenoidal Encephalocoele in a Neonate. Radiology Quiz Case. Ear, Nose, and Throat Journal. June 2006.


Rhinoplasty in the patient of African Origin Using Frozen Rib Graft. Aesthetic Society Meeting, April 2022

Narasimhan K, Rapstine E, and Thornton JF. Full-Thickness Skin Grafts as as versatile method for Mohs Defect Ear Reconstruction. ASPS Senior Residents Meeting

Narasimhan K, Cheng A, Lakhiani C, Landry D, and Saint Cyr Michel. Orientation of Abdominal Tissue in DIEP Flap Reconstruction. Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons. September 2012

Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty—An Analysis of Features, Techniques, and Results. Retrospective Review of photos and patients over 10 years. American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery. September 2011

Narasimhan, K. Zuliani GF. Extended Dorsal Shield Graft in Binder’s Syndrome. American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery Meeting Boston. September 2010

Narasimhan, K. Coticchia J. An Unusual Case of Nasal Aperture Stenosis. Case Report and Review of Literature. Committee of Scientific Otolaryngology Meeting, Las Vegas. May 2010

Narasimhan, K, Arneja JS, Bouman D, and P Bridge. Qualitative & Quantitative Outcomes of Audience Response Systems as an Educational Tool in a Plastic Surgery Residency Program: A Pilot Study. Plastic Surgery Research Council Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA. May 2009

Sinonasal Mucosal Melanoma: A Review of 18 Cases and Outcomes”. International Head and Neck Society Conference, San Fransisco, CA. July 2008

“Early Surgical Treatment of Lip Hemangioma” International Society of Vascular Anomalies. Boston, MA. June 2008

“Genes involved in Hearing and Vision.” Lepow Research Day. Case Western University School of Medicine. Poster Presentation of Gel elecrophoresis and PCR Studies Research. May 2006


Dr. Narasimhan’s CV
Dr. Narasimhan’s CV
Narasimhan Plastic Surgery: Kailash Narasimhan, M.D.
Dr. Narasimhan's passion for plastic surgery is evident in his impressive credentials, which include:
  • Double board certification: American Board of Plastic Surgery and American Board of Otolaryngology (Head & Neck Surgery)
  • Graduate of the #1 ranked U.S. plastic surgery program (UT Southwestern)
  • Guest faculty at internationally renowned cosmetic surgery meetings, such as the Dallas Cosmetic Symposium
  • Published 20+ peer-reviewed plastic surgery articles in respected journals
  • RealSelf Top Doctor recognition
Narasimhan Plastic Surgery: Kailash Narasimhan, M.D. 900 Carillon Pkwy. Ste. 409 St Petersburg, FL 33716
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