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Our Blog

Chin Implants and Rhinoplasty
Check out our gallery here Chin Implants are a power combination of procedures, especially when combined with rhinoplasty or nasal reshaping.  My approach is to never push a patient to do a chin implant, but when a patient is a good candidate I usually let him or her know.  Chin implants can also take focus off of the nose, because...
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Ultrasonic Piezo rhinoplasty at Narasimhan Plastic Surgery
Dr. Narasimhan is thrilled to be one of few providers nationally to be using the most cutting edge technology for his Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, and Florida rhinoplasty patients.  Dr. Narasimhan is a leader and national lecturer/instructor in facial plastic surgery and rhinoplasty.  He believes his patients deserve the most modern and innovative technology to receive the best results in...
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Rhinoplasty for Cosmetic AND Functional Reasons (Updated 2023)
Rhinoplasty for Cosmetic AND Functional Reasons (Updated 2023)
One of the most frequent questions I get about rhinoplasty is whether the surgery is designed to improve breathing or appearance. The confusion often arises when distinguishing between functional and cosmetic goals for the procedure. Many patients want to address breathing problems or issues caused by trauma without significantly altering their facial aesthetics. Others are satisfied with their breathing but...
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Deviated Septum and Rhinoplasty–Common Questions Answered!
Deviated Septum and Rhinoplasty–Common Questions Answered!
Very commonly patients will come to my practice and ask "Can you fix my deviated septum during the rhinoplasty?"  The answer is, of course, but there is always some confusion regarding the relationship between the internal structure of the nose, and the external structure.  Particularly, how breathing relates to the nose and how structures that obstruct the nose can affect...
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Can Older People Get Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)?
Can Older People Get Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)?
Recently I was asked about performing rhinoplasty on older patients at my St. Petersburg practice. While the common impression might be that patients who undergo rhinoplasty (also known as nose jobs or nasal reshaping) are younger females, that is not a rule. In fact, I frequently see patients in their 60s who want improvements made to their nasal shape. As...
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The Art & Science of Successful Revision Rhinoplasty (Updated 2023)
The Art & Science of Successful Revision Rhinoplasty (Updated 2023)
My practice sees a significant number of revision rhinoplasty cases involving patients who've had their initial surgery performed elsewhere. Sometimes referred to as secondary rhinoplasty, the procedure is intricate and specialized and requires a skilled specialist to navigate its complex variables. Setting Expectations for Your Revision Rhinoplasty For those who've been through the surgical experience once, the thought of...
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Rhinoplasty using Cartilage Grafts–Why, Where, and When?
Rhinoplasty using Cartilage Grafts–Why, Where, and When?
[embed][/embed] Recently I have had many questions in my office on when and why I use cartilage grafts for Rhinoplasty or Nasal Reshaping procedures.  In this blog I want to explain some of the nuances of grafting.  The short answer is--we use grafting in EVERY rhinoplasty procedure, but in some situations different materials may be necessary.  As rhinoplasty or nosejob...
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Open vs. Closed Rhinoplasty
Open vs. Closed Rhinoplasty
As a rhinoplasty specialist, I see patients at my St. Petersburg, FL, practice who have a wide range of concerns about their noses. Some individuals are self-conscious about the appearance of their nose but have no trouble breathing, while others may require what is called "functional" rhinoplasty to correct structural issues that make it difficult to breathe through their nose....
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