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Custom Design Rhinoplasty–Nose by Narasimhan

Rhinoplasty, or nasal reshaping  is an extremely individualized procedure.  Futhermore, many patients have often cosmetic concerns that do not “read the book”.  In my Tampa and St. Petersburg/Clearwater practice, patients express their cosmetic concerns and it is my job to listen.  I ask about their goals and hopes regarding a possible rhinoplasty, and then create a treatment plan.  This is what I call and “individualized” treatment plan.

My patients also say that when talk to others surgeons they often feel pushed into certain assumed aesthetic “standards”.  Sometimes these aesthetic standards do not align with the patient’s.   From a surgical standpoint, in the past, there was one ideal of an “aesthetic nose” which was prescribed to all patients.  I do not do procedures this way.  And this is why for my patients, I perform a “custom design” rhinoplasty.

What am I talking about?  Well, during your rhinoplasty consultation, I will take photographs of your face at all the appropriate angles.  Then, I will review them with you including what aesthetic goals I would have, taking into account your cosmetic concerns.   Plastic surgeons  are artists in reshaping the face, but also surgeons and scientists.  We not only evaluate the nose, but also the facial proportions of your chin, eyes, and eyebrow.

Dr. Narasimhan (above) drawing the plan for a rib rhinoplasty procedure.

During your surgery I will create diagrams and map out the course of your rhinoplasty procedure, from start to finish.  This is the pre-planning phase.

After the procedure at about 3 months post surgery, our office will print out photos and review the aesthetic improvements already gained.  We are very interested in following our patients,–years after their procedure.  The healing process can take upwards of a year and beyond.

We don’t have any prescribed or cookie-cutter methods for creating your new, beautiful nose.  In fact even with 2 patients with the same aesthetic features, I may tailor the operation differently based on your concern.  This is the custom design rhinoplasty.  Or, “Nose by Narasimhan”!

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