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Out of Town Patients

Out of Town Patients

Are you interested in having cosmetic plastic surgery in the Tampa, FL area with Dr. Narasimhan but concerned about the travel? We have developed a program for our out‐of‐town patients that will allow you to have your surgery and recover in the beautiful vacation destination of Florida. We work closely with you prior to your arrival and follow your recovery closely while you are here and when you go home. Tourists travel to the Tampa Bay area from all over the world to experience and enjoy the beautiful Gulf beaches, the sun and warm weather, and the many theme park attractions the area has to offer. Now you can as well.Board‐certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kailash Narasimhan combines his artistic skill and compassion to reveal his patients’ true beauty. He will take the time to educate you and set realistic expectations to help improve your self‐image and confidence. He looks forward to helping you look and feel your absolute best. Request a consultation today at Narasimhan Plastic Surgery or call our office at  (727) 351-8267.

Travel Steps

Traveling for cosmetic surgery is easier than ever thanks to our 5‐Step Travel Plan.

Step 1: Consultation

  • Fly in for a consultation. This would be preferred, but we realize it may be difficult due to time and cost constraints.

If a Fly‐In Consultation Is Not Possible…

  • Virtual Consultation — We ask for you to send photos that Dr. Narasimhan will review. Based on the photo review, a telephone consultation is set up to discuss the surgical plan and fees. This will vary by the procedure you desire, such as a facelift, liposuction, or a tummy tuck.
  • Evaluation by your local, primary doctor if you have any major medical problems for surgery clearance. (This is not necessary in all cases. This will be determined by Dr. Narasimhan in advance of your travel.)

Step 2: Scheduling

  • Your surgery date is first selected and then your pre-operative date is scheduled, typically 1 to 2 days prior to the surgery date based on Dr. Narasimhan’s recommendations.
  • A non-refundable deposit is collected with the final payment being due in full at the pre-operative appointment.
  • A pre-operative packet will be mailed with preoperative information and informed consents for your review. We will review the paperwork and any related questions at the pre-operative appointment.
  • Any lab work or diagnostic testing will be coordinated prior to arrival.
  • The pre-operative appointment typically will last 2 hours. During this appointment, we will finalize the surgical plan, review pre/postoperative teaching and education, take pre-operative photos, collect surgical fees, review logistics for the day of the surgery and make the initial post-operative appointments.

Step 3: Surgery

  • Performed at one of two fully accredited outpatient surgical centers, under the care of board-certified anesthesia doctors.
  • One center is located in our building, whereas the other center is 10 minutes away. Due to the anesthesia, you will need a driver. If you do not have one, we can assist you with home health options.

Step 4: Recovery

  • Depending on your surgery, plan on staying in the Tampa Bay area 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Post operative appointments will be concentrated during your length of stay.

Step 5: Virtual Follow-Up Appointments

  • We will arrange standard follow-up appointments via phone and many patients email post-operative photographs for review prior to the follow-up phone appointments for Dr. Narasimhan to review.

Please take a look at a list of local accommodations and attractions.

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