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Ethnic Rhinoplasty versus “Traditional Rhinoplasty” at Narasimhan Plastic Surgery


What is Ethnic Rhinoplasty?

As a rhinoplasty expert, I will be the first to admit that I am not a fan of the term “ethnic rhinoplasty” because it lumps together patients of Asian, African, Middle Eastern, and Hispanic groups, while there are a plethora of variations.  However it is a term used very frequently online and on google to describes patients of varying cultures and racial backgrounds.  Ethnic rhinoplasty describes the entirety of techniques used to reshape non-Caucasian noses, although I will say whole-heartedly that my goal as a rhinoplasty expert is to give each patient the ideal, most-aesthetic version of his or her nose.  However we cannot use the same technique on each patient, and I think we do have to have a global understanding that certain cultural groups have anatomic similarities…Read below to learn more!

Multicultural Rhinoplasty

African and Asian patients often have thicker more sebaceous skin and smaller nasal septal cartilage.  This results in a nose that can be underprojected and overrotated.  Surgical goals are usually to create more definition in the nasal dorsum, raise the nasal bridge, and provide appropriate projection of the nose.

Hispanic noses can be either of the Mestizo or Castilian type.   The Mestizo nose has typically a low dorsum or bridge, wide nostrils, thick skin, and weak nasal tip cartilages. The Castilian nose can have a high nasal bridge with weak tip definition.

Middle Eastern and Indian Noses have a wide range of variation, with slighter darker skin pigmentation, a higher nasal bridge and lack of tip support in some patients.  Goals are often to lower the nasal bridge, lift the tip, and deproject the nose.

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How does Ethnic Rhinoplasty differ from Traditional Rhinoplasty and What techniques are used?

Rhinoplasty techniques can differ based on the patient and skin thickness.  Overcoming skin thickness is a major aspect of ethnic rhinoplasty.  Techniques such as cartilage grafting and defatting or thinning of the skin are used.  In addition, rib cartilage or ear cartilage grafting can be very effective to provide rigid support to the nasal tip or nasal bridge.  Cartilage grafts can help elevate a low nasal bridhge or dorsum in Asian and African patients.

What is the recovery for Ethnic rhinoplasty?

Recovery is not very different from Traditional rhinoplasty and 6 weeks patients need to avoid heavy activity.  After a week cast and stiches are removed and nasal massage and taping begins.  Skin thickness can prolong swelling so diligent massage, taping , and sometimes steroid injections are necessary.


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