This is a 64-year-old female who presented with subsequent damage to the septum and nasal bridge along with a dorsal hump. She was unhappy with the appearance of her nose and decided to proceed with a rhinoplasty with Dr. Narasimhan. She is very happy with not only the natural appearance but the improvement in breathing. If you or someone you know has had trauma to the nose and are unhappy with the appearance please call Narasimhan Plastic Surgery today!
Provider: Kailash Narasimhan, M.D.
This is a 49 year-old male of Asian descent. He came to our office interested in making the nose more refined, and raising the nasal bridge. On exam he had a slightly flattened radix and a full bulbous nasal tip with under projection. On front view the dorsal aesthetic lines are washed out and he had a wide nasal base. We also believed he would benefit from a chin augmentation and buccal fat removal to give his face more of a balanced appearance on front and profile views. We performed a rhinoplasty with donated frozen rib cartilage, chin augmentation and buccal fat removal. He is very happy with his natural appearance. If you or someone you know is looking to have buccal fat removal, chin augmentation, or rhinoplasty, please contact Narasimhan Plastic Surgery today!
#NosebyNarasimhan #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #rhinoplasty #chinaugmentation #chinimplant #buccalfatremoval
Provider: Kailash Narasimhan, M.D.
This is a 47-year-old African-American female who had a previous rhinoplasty performed about 15 year ago in Tampa. She states she had some deformities. She didn’t like her nasal tip as well as feeling it was overall too large for her face. Upon exam she had a flattened nasal bridge with a large notching at the nostrils and a pinched nasal tip, on side view, she had a shortened nose with a lack of projection. We performed a revision rhinoplasty with frozen donated rib grafting and dorsal augmentation. She is very happy with her natural appearing outcome and highly recommends our practice! If you or someone you know has been considering rhinoplasty revision, please contact Narasimhan Plastic Surgery today at 727-289-7119!
Provider: Kailash Narasimhan, M.D.
This is a 69 year-old female who had a previous rhinoplasty in Tampa. She didn’t like the appearance of the tip of her nose as well as the bridge. We performed a revision rhinoplasty with frozen rib graft to balance her overall profile and frontal view. If you desire rhinoplasty and are in the St. Pete area please contact Narasimhan Plastic Surgery, 727-351-8263.
#NosebyNarasimhan #rhinoplasty #cosmeticsurgery #cosmetic #facialsurgery #plasticsurgery #happypatient #beforeandafter #before #after #pictures #nasalsurgery #ent #boardcertified #doubleboardcertified #Tampa #Clearwater #StPete #StPetersburg #Largo #Feathersound”
Provider: Kailash Narasimhan, M.D.
This is a 15-year-old female of middle eastern descent. She complained of a hump on her nasal bridge and a bulbous tip with thickness to her skin. She also struggled with her breathing. We performed a rhinoplasty, and she is very happy with her outcome. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about rhinoplasty or ethnic rhinoplasty, please call Narasimhan Plastic Surgery today!
#rhinoplasty #NosebyNarasimhan #plasticsurgery #nosejob #facialsurgery #medspa #Clearwater #Tampa #StPetersburg”
Provider: Kailash Narasimhan, M.D.
This is a 37-year-old female who came to us wanting a smaller nasal tip and deviation in her nose to be corrected. We performed a rhinoplasty, and she is very pleased with her outcome. If you or someone you know has questions about rhinoplasty, please call Narasimhan Plastic Surgery today!
#Rhinoplasty #NosebyNarasimhan #happypatient #Clearwater #Tampa #StPete #Plasticsurgeonsofst.pete #cosmeticsurgery #nasalsurgery #facialsurgery #doubleboardcertified #beforeandafter #photos #banda #consideringsurgery #research
Provider: Kailash Narasimhan, M.D.
This is a 45-year-old African-American woman interested in making the flaring of her nostrils improved as well as the overall shape and size. We performed a rhinoplasty with an MTF graft to improve the structure of her nose. She is extremely pleased with her results. If you have questions or are interested in learning more about cosmetic rhinoplasty please call Narasimhan Plastic Surgery today
#beforeandafter #happypatient #cosmeticrhinoplasty #NosebyNarasimhan #StPetersburg #StPete #Tampa #Clearwater #Feathersound
Provider: Kailash Narasimhan, M.D.
This is a 70-year-old female who wanted to address her dorsal hump and give her nose a straighter appearance. We performed a rhinoplasty, and the patient is very happy with her results. If you have any questions regarding a rhinoplasty or if you’re a good candidate for this procedure, please call Narasimhan Plastic Surgery.
#Rhinoplasty #NosebyNarasimhan #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #StPetersburg #StPete #Tampa #Clearwater #Largo #happypatient #beforeandafter #facialsurgery #trending #nosejob
Provider: Kailash Narasimhan, M.D.
This is a 35-year-old female of middle eastern descent. Her goals were to provide a natural nose while sill lowering the profile and rotating the nasal tip. She is very happy with her rhinoplasty procedure! If you are considering a rhinoplasty or have questions, please call Narasimhan Plastic Surgery today!
#NosebyNarasimhan #rhinoplasty #cosmeticsurgery #cosmetic #facialsurgery #plasticsurgery #happypatient #beforeandafter #before #after #pictures #nasalsurgery #ent #boardcertified #doubleboardcertified #Tampa #Clearwater #StPete #StPetersburg #Largo #Feathersound
Provider: Kailash Narasimhan, M.D.
This is a 25-year-old male who came to us wanting to straighten his nose as well as remove the dorsal hump. We performed a rhinoplasty and was able to achieve the patients’ goals. He is very happy with his results. If you’re interested in learning more about rhinoplasty or have questions, please call Narasimhan Plastic Surgery today!
#NosebyNarasimhan #rhinoplasty #cosmeticsurgery #cosmetic #facialsurgery #plasticsurgery #happypatient #beforeandafter #before #after #pictures #nasalsurgery #ent #boardcertified #doubleboardcertified #Tampa #Clearwater #StPete #StPetersburg #Largo #Feathersound
Provider: Kailash Narasimhan, M.D.
Dr. Narasimhan’s passion for plastic surgery is evident in his impressive credentials, which include:
Dr. Narasimhan’s passion for plastic surgery is evident in his impressive credentials, which include: