Chin Implants and Rhinoplasty

Narasimhan Plastic Surgery

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Chin Implants are a power combination of procedures, especially when combined with rhinoplasty or nasal reshaping.  My approach is to never push a patient to do a chin implant, but when a patient is a good candidate I usually let him or her know.  Chin implants can also take focus off of the nose, because an underprojected chin can make the nose look longer and vice versa.  How do we do these procedures in my St. Petersburg and Tampa practice?  Learn more below…


Rhinoplasty can be performed closed (internal incisions in the nostril) or externally (with incision in columella).  They both heal and can look great.  Rhinoplasty in many Asian, African, and or other ethnicities may also require the use of rib cartilage as a building blook to project the tip, refine the tip, or build up the nasal bridge.  Patients with lack of structure and thicker skin may require rib cartilage grafting

Chin implant:

There are several ways to augment the chin including the use of a silicone chin implant through a submental incision, filler use, or fat grafting.  In the proper candidate Dr. Narasimhan prefers a chin implant.  Through a small chin incision of 1-1.5 cm the implant can be placed on top of the bone.

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