Which Breast Implant Is Right for Me?

Woman choosing between silicone and saline implant during breast augmentation consultation

Choosing breast implants is an exciting decision for women considering breast augmentation at my plastic surgery practice in St. Petersburg. The right implants not only create attractive results but also allows each woman to maintain her ideal lifestyle and feel confident for years to come. When it comes to selecting an implant material, there are 2 FDA-approved options to choose between: silicone and saline.

This blog post will outline the pros and cons of each implant type and discuss a few factors to consider as you make your decision.

Saline Implants

Saline implants consist of sterile saltwater encased in a silicone shell. They are FDA-approved for women 18 and older, or any age when used for breast reconstruction.

  • Pros: These implants are typically more affordable and require smaller incisions since the shells can be filled after they’re in place. In the case of a rupture, the implant deflates and the saline filling is harmlessly absorbed by the body, causing an immediate size difference and making it easier to detect the leak.
  • Cons: Many patients say these implants have a less natural feel and are more likely to cause rippling, which is the ability to see folds in the implant’s edges under the skin.

Silicone Implants

The latest generation of silicone implants consists of cohesive silicone gel that holds its shape. These are FDA-approved for women 22 and older, or any age when used in breast reconstruction.

  • Pros: Most patients say silicone implants feel more like natural breast tissue and cause less visible rippling. Since the gel holds its shape, any tear or rupture won’t cause immediate changes in appearance.
  • Cons: These implants typically have a higher cost and require larger incisions. Since ruptures are harder to detect, issues don’t become immediately apparent. Regular MRIs to check for ruptures are required.

Making the Choice

Implant material isn’t the only choice you make when it comes to your implant selection. When we meet for a personal consultation, we’ll also discuss factors such as size, shape, profile, and incision location. Carefully thinking about these various factors can help you choose implants that are uniquely ideal for your body and lifestyle.

A professional consultation is essential when deciding between implant options. I consider each woman’s daily activities, fitness proportions, and aesthetic goals before I make a recommendation. My goal is to help the women I treat feel fully educated and supported as they move forward with their breast augmentation journeys.

While your individual results may vary, looking at before-and-after photos is often a great way to learn more about implant options. If you would like to see actual patient examples of augmentations created with various implant types, please visit our before-and-after photo gallery.

To learn more about breast augmentation in St. Petersburg, please contact us using the online form or call (727) 289-7119 to request a consultation.

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