Rhinoplasty for Cosmetic AND Functional Reasons (Updated 2023)

Narasimhan Plastic Surgery

One of the most frequent questions I get about rhinoplasty is whether the surgery is designed to improve breathing or appearance. The confusion often arises when distinguishing between functional and cosmetic goals for the procedure.

Many patients want to address breathing problems or issues caused by trauma without significantly altering their facial aesthetics. Others are satisfied with their breathing but want to make changes in the  and size or shape of their nose.

Rhinoplasty is suited to both types of goals. While some techniques overlap, my focus is on understanding each patient’s unique needs and concerns thoroughly to achieve their desired results.

This blog post will discuss the reasons patients have rhinoplasty and how the procedure addresses both functional and cosmetic concerns.

How Do You Know if You Need Rhinoplasty?

Patients consider rhinoplasty to achieve different goals:

Cosmetic Goals

  • Removing a hump on the bridge of the nose
  • Refining the nasal tip
  • Narrowing the bridge of the nose
  • Decreasing the width of the nose
  • Shortening (or lengthening) the projection of the nose

Functional Goals

  • Improving breathing
  • Straightening a deviated septum or deviated nasal bridge
  • Opening the nasal valves and improve airflow
  • Restoring the shape of the nose after trauma, injury or damage

Addressing Both Types of Goals in a Single Procedure

Rhinoplasty can tackle a range of issues In a single surgery, seamlessly blending functional improvements with cosmetic enhancements to provide a comprehensive solution.

For instance, if you’re dealing with breathing challenges due to a deviated septum but also want to refine the shape of your nose, both can be managed effectively in one surgical session. This integrated approach not only saves time and reduces overall surgical risk but also ensures that the modifications are harmoniously balanced for a natural look and optimal functionality.

During your consultation, we’ll discuss your concerns in detail and develop a surgical plan to achieve an outcome that’s both functionally sound and aesthetically pleasing.

How Is Rhinoplasty Surgery Performed?

The surgery may follow either a closed or open approach, with the open approach usually used for more complicated cases or intricate tip work. A crucial part of my rhinoplasty method involves a septal cartilage harvest. This involves using a piece of the nasal septum to strengthen other areas of the nose. Unlike older methods that removed significant nasal structures, modern rhinoplasty employs a more nuanced and balanced approach, preserving cartilage to ensure a natural and seamless outcome.

To learn more about septal cartilage grafts, watch the video below.

Before & After Rhinoplasty Case 151 View #1 View in Tampa, Florida
Before & After Rhinoplasty
Before & After Rhinoplasty Case 276 View #1 View in Tampa, Florida
Before & After Rhinoplasty

How Do I Find a Good Rhinoplasty Surgeon?

As a surgeon certified by both the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose, and Throat), I possess a blend of expertise that allows me to take a comprehensive approach to your concerns, whether aesthetic or functional. My training and experience equips me to guide you seamlessly through the rhinoplasty consultation, surgery, and post-operative recovery. Each year, I contribute to the field by sharing my experience on advanced rhinoplasty techniques with younger surgeons at the International Dallas Rhinoplasty Course.

Ready To Take the Next Step?

If you’d like to discuss your concerns and goals with a skilled and experienced rhinoplasty surgeon in St. Petersburg, FL, call our office today at (727) 289-7119 or request a consultation.

To see more rhinoplasty transformations, view my full before-and-after photo gallery.

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